
WordPress Theme Development guide Step By Step

You will get a guideline about the theme of WordPress in this article. We’ll start from scratch with no files and no program code. The only way to grasp how WordPress Themes operate is to dive in headfirst and do everything manually. Yes, it’s difficult to avoid this since you can let WordPress handle anything for you without knowing anything about the coding. 

You could use PHP, JavaScript, CSS, or even plain HTML. By the end of this WordPress. Here we will tell you about how to do WordPress theme development.

WordPress Themes:

When you manage a WordPress website, you have access to many free themes. You can pay a fee for professionally built Plugins and themes that look nice and have outstanding features in addition to the free themes. So, why should you learn how to make your theme from the ground up? The truth is that you will want to make minor modifications to your website at some point, regardless of the theme you are using. 

A simple plugin or widget might accommodate some of those adjustments. However, understanding what you want to alter, how to modify it, and avoiding turning your WordPress website into a jumble of plugins and add-ons that becomes burdensome makes far more sense. We mention step by step guide below:

Make a Folder to keep All of your Theme Files:

You need to understand which files that help compensate for a WordPress theme sit in a WordPress installation if we’re going to construct themes. This is a simple task. We know that a WordPress installation usually contains a WordPress folder as its root directory. In PHPStorm, here is how your root directory appears. The directory store various files and folders

 Directory Files and Folders

  • composer.json
  • index.php
  • license.txt
  • wp-admin
  • wp-content

The wp-content folder is the one we are most interested in right now. Inside the wp-content folder is a folder called themes. Are you aware of the purpose of this folder? Yes, you read that correctly. It’s the location in which you’ll discover one or more WordPress themes to use with your blog. The three themes that WordPress comes with by default come in these directories. There is also a folder called custom theme down below. Make that folder in your setup. That is where we will be building our WordPress theme from the ground up.

Inside the Custom Theme Folder, Create Style.css and Index.PHP:

The location of the WordPress theme files in the file system is now known. We’ve also included a new folder called custom theme in our themes folder. In this directory, we will now create two empty files. The index.php and style.css files are two different types of files. Let’s fill these files with the minimal minimum we’ll need to get a new WordPress theme up and running.

From the WordPress Dashboard, Activate your Theme:

Users can now download Appearance Themes from our WordPress Dashboard. You can now see the new theme that we have built. It would be best to select “Theme Features” and locate the data that is put into the design, and you may dig deeper into the custom theme. You can see that it’s called a custom theme, and it’s version 1.0, and Vegibit writes it.

Add Some Code to the Output: 

The title of the post and the post’s content. When you visit the site, the theme adds Custom Theme! to the page, regardless of how many posts are in the database. Let’s go ahead, get some information from the server, and display it on the page. You want to get the Post Title and Post Content of all posts and display them on the homepage.

Leveraging the WordPress Loop:

Loop is the mechanism that allows WordPress to function. Theme developers use this loop to check for new posts and display them on the page as needed. It is written in the following format. If there are still postings in the database, let’s loop through them while there are still posts; otherwise, we’ll inform the user that there are none. In its most basic version. 

The Loop uses only two functions. have posts() and the post() are the two methods (). They have posts() function only has one use. It indicates any posts in the data that You should loop over. This procedure will either output true or false, and that’s all there is to it. If it returns true, it means there are posts to loop through. 

There are no postings to loop over if it returns negative. The post(), on the other hand, does not return anything. Its job is to prepare WordPress for posting. It obtains the next post, configures it, and sets the in-the-loop attribute to true.

Add a Link:

Why don’t you link to each post so you can see it on its own rather than simply as part of the homepage?

To the Custom Theme, Insert a Header and Footer:

An excellent theme starts with the title and ends with the post’s content. Creating a header and footer area in your theme is almost as critical. These sections would contain the content that appears on all site pages at all times.


Many themes allow users to navigate the site’s homepage by clicking on the title text. In this manner, the user may always click the title text to return to the website’s main page, regardless of where they are on site. Above we have told you about WordPress theme development.

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